Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Tis the season of Spring….

Spring is back and it's time to wake up again as the world around us is coming to life... now is the time to renew, recharge and freshen up!

Some Spring holidays celebrated are Ash Wednesday, St. David’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mothers Day, Good Friday, Palm Sunday, Easter, St. George’s Day, May Day, Dawn Chorus Day.

So... what comes to mind when you hear the word ‘SPRING’?

Spring Clean
Time for the garden work
Time for the first grass cutting
Time to prune your plants
Time for Easter egg hunts
Time for new born lambs
Hanging basket plants
Outside furniture
Rainbows of flowers
Warmer weather
Spring break
Lush green grass
Hummingbirds in flight
Sunbeams of light
Flowers in bloom
Scents of different flowers
Chirping birds
Buzzing bees
Tadpoles develop into frogs
April showers bring May flowers
The smell of fresh cut grass

Why not stop by The Bull after a weekend outing and you can enjoy the sights and sounds of Spring while enjoying a refreshing cocktail in our gardens...

Written by Mark Gibbons, Revenue Manager at The Bull

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